Furniture, Renovasi Rumah & Tukang Bangunan HP/WA 081295652762

Read Renoviz content in English and Others Language

Understanding that visitor may have native language others than Indonesian language , so this method could be take to read content in English and others language.

A. Chrome Browser On Android Smartphone

If browse by chrome browser, there are chosen in bottom of chrome browser that allow visitor to chose languages by clicking English button or click menu to chose others languages.

Chrome on android smartphone

To read content in english follow step bellow:

Change Language To English by Click English Bottom

Click English button to change language to English, and language soon change to English.

Language Is Change To English Already

After click English bottom web language change to English and ready to read web content, but if you want to change to other language not in English please click like picture bellow.

Click to chose other language
And then chose what language you want, like bellow.

Chose what language you want and scroll if not find that you want

B. Opera Browser PC with Translator Add On

If you want to read Renoviz content in English or other language just follow:
1. On PC open opera application
2. Open Menu on left down corner
3. Select Translator and click Add to Opera
4. After add on installed, visit and click Translator on upper right side
5. Ready to read content in English
6. If you want to change language not in English change it by click  drop down and chose language  you want to.

Click Menu and then click Extensions

Click Get More Extensions

Chose Translator Add On

Then click Add to Opera

Open website and then click Translator icon

Ready to read content in English

If you want to change language click and chose language on Translate Box like picture above

I hope this method make you happy to enjoy reading this blog, thanks a lot for reading this post, see you.

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